


CubaTex is an agency that offers multi-services to the Cuban community in Texas, the United States, Cuba and anywhere in the world. Online store, travel, car and hotel rentals, shipping of air and sea packages.


I leveraged the robust capabilities of WordPress coupled with the e-commerce prowess of WooCommerce. This powerful combination allowed me to create a seamless online platform that is both aesthetically pleasing and functionally rich.

The attention to detail was paramount in choosing a theme that not only aligned with the visual brand language but also supported WooCommerce’s functionalities. The customization of the shop page was meticulously handled to ensure an intuitive user experience, complete with product filters and sorting capabilities.

The addition of products was executed with precision, showcasing high-quality images and detailed descriptions to inform and engage potential customers. The setup of a reliable payment gateway and shipping options was the final step in delivering a holistic shopping experience.

This end-to-end solution exemplifies my ability to synthesize various digital tools to deliver a tailored online presence that meets the needs of a diverse clientele, reflecting my commitment to providing top-tier digital solutions.


  • Ecommerce
  • Payment gateway
  • Responsiveness
  • Dynamic fields and filters
  • Custom Posts Types
  • Taxonomies
  • Multisite
  • Multidomain
  • Multivendor
  • Inventory sync across multiple domains and stores.
  • Seguridad


  • Woodmart theme
  • Elementor and Elementor Pro
  • Advanced Custom Fields
  • WordFence firewall
  • WP-Rocket
  • 2FA authentication
  • Jet Filters