Precise Care Cleaning Services

Web and WordPress Development


Precise Care Cleaning Services, headquartered in Pittsburgh, stands out as a prominent cleaning company. Their impeccable reputation is built on delivering exceptional cleaning services for both commercial and residential spaces. Whether you require routine maintenance cleaning, thorough deep cleaning, or one-time specialized cleaning, their highly skilled and dedicated team is fully prepared to address all your cleaning requirements


As a WordPress developer, I embarked on an exciting journey to create the online presence for Precise Care Cleaning Services. Let me walk you through the various aspects of this project:

Designing the Pages: Crafting the website’s layout was a pivotal step. I meticulously designed each page to ensure a seamless user experience. From the homepage to service-specific pages, I aimed for an intuitive flow that guides visitors effortlessly.

Appointment Booking System: Implementing an efficient appointment booking system was crucial. Users needed a straightforward way to schedule cleaning services. I integrated a custom solution that allows clients to select their preferred date and time, ensuring convenience and flexibility.

Web Design and Aesthetics: The visual appeal of the site was paramount. I chose a clean and professional design, reflecting the brand’s commitment to cleanliness. The color palette, typography, and imagery were carefully curated to evoke trust and reliability.

Web Performance Optimizations: Speed matters! I optimized the website for fast loading times. Techniques like image compression, minification of CSS and JavaScript files, and browser caching were employed. A swift website enhances user satisfaction and SEO rankings.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Elevating Precise Care’s visibility in search engines was a priority. I conducted thorough keyword research, strategically placing relevant terms throughout the content. Meta tags, alt attributes for images, and schema markup were meticulously implemented.

Content Creation: Engaging content is the backbone of any website. I crafted compelling copy that highlighted Precise Care’s expertise, reliability, and commitment to customer satisfaction. Blog posts on cleaning tips and industry trends were also part of the content strategy.

Responsive Design: In today’s mobile-centric world, responsiveness is non-negotiable. I ensured that the website looked and functioned seamlessly across various devices—desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

Security Measures: Protecting user data and maintaining site security were paramount. I implemented SSL certificates, regular backups, and robust authentication protocols to safeguard against potential threats.

Analytics and Tracking: To measure success, I integrated Google Analytics. This allowed us to track user behavior, monitor traffic sources, and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

Ongoing Maintenance: A website is a living entity. I set up regular maintenance tasks—updating plugins, monitoring performance, and addressing any issues promptly. Keeping the site fresh and functional is essential.


  • Website design
  • Home page
  • About page
  • Services page
  • Booking system
  • Hosting management
  • Responsiveness


  • Woodmart theme
  • VamTam builder
  • Advanced Custom Fields
  • WordFence firewall
  • Bookly for bookings
  • Hostinger